Sandy Straley
Rindlesbach Homes

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Grilling Tips

Grilling Tips Summertime and the living is easy. It’s time to fire up the grill. And grilling isn’t just for meat anymore, either. You can do virtually all your cooking on the grill – vegetables, foil pouch entrees, dessert, even pizza. Instead of spending sultry summer evenings broiling along with your food in a hot kitchen, why not plan to fix your meals on your deck or patio? Grilling adds no extra fat to your food, takes no more time than conventional cooking, and best of all, clean up is a snap. If you’ve never tried your hand at grilling, it’s time to learn this great American cooking technique.   Let’s start at the beginning. What kind of grill are you going to use? Each …
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Sandy Straley

Rindlesbach Homes